
Why Valley Homes Are Prone to Winter Cockroach Infestations
When people think of cockroach infestations, they often associate them with the heat of summer. However, in Arizona, cockroaches remain a year-round problem, including the winter months. As temperatures drop, these resilient pests seek warmth, moisture, and food, making Valley homes the perfect retreat. Understanding why winter infestations happen and how to prevent them is key to keeping your home roach-free.

Desert Winter Termites: Protect Your Mesa Home from Hidden Damage
When temperatures drop in Arizona, many homeowners assume pests like termites become inactive. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Desert termites remain active year-round, quietly causing damage to homes across Mesa and Phoenix. To protect your home, it’s crucial to understand their behavior, recognize signs of infestation, and take proactive steps for termite control.

How to Prevent Winter Rodent Infestations
As temperatures drop in winter, rats and mice begin searching for warm, safe places to nest—and your home could be their ideal destination. Rodents are not only a nuisance but can also pose significant health risks and cause structural damage to your property. This guide will help you understand rodent wintering behavior and offer practical tips to keep your home pest-free.

Effective Rodent Control Tips for Mesa This Winter
As winter sets in, Mesa residents often find themselves facing an influx of unwanted houseguests—namely, rodents. Rats and mice seek warmth, food, and shelter, which makes homes and businesses in Mesa ideal locations for winter nesting. Not only can rodents cause extensive structural damage by gnawing on wires, insulation, and walls, but they are also carriers of harmful diseases and parasites. Preventing a rodent infestation is essential to safeguarding your property and your health. Here are some effective, expert-backed rodent control tips to help keep your Mesa property rodent-free this winter.

Protect Your Valley Home from Fall Termite Infestations
Fall in Arizona brings cooler temperatures, making it the perfect season to spend time outdoors and enjoy the crisp, pleasant weather. However, while you’re enjoying the change in season, termites are busy preparing for their own activities—invading homes throughout the Valley. Termites are notorious for causing extensive structural damage if left undetected and untreated, and they can be particularly active during the fall months. Learn the signs of termite infestation, why fall is a crucial time for termite inspections in Arizona, and how termite control can protect your home year-round.

Get Rid of Termites: Three Smells They Hate
Termites are one of the most common pests in Arizona, so it’s not surprising that many people want to get rid of them. However, most DIY forms of extermination will only kill the insects, not the colony. The best way to keep termites away is to use organic ingredients they hate. This way, you don’t have to deal with the colony later.
But, what smells do termites hate? What organic ingredients work to keep them away? We will answer these questions throughout this article and recommend how to use those organic ingredients as deterrents.

Three Areas Scorpions Are Hiding in Your Home
Scorpions and humans often will find themselves living in the same quarters. It just so happens that many of the smaller ecosystems within the larger home environment are the perfect places for scorpions to hide. Damp areas, clutter, and unsealed windows or any other other entry points are all the areas that will attract scorpions.

Top 10 Interesting Termite Facts
If you know anything about termites, it’s probably that they are nasty, horrible creatures that can devastate your home by eating through all the wood they can reach. Termites never sleep, so they are able to eat their way through your home 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Even though termites might seem like nothing more than a nightmare if they infest your home, they are actually quite interesting insects. Learning a little about them will not only help you become better prepared to prevent them, but you might even find the information fascinating. Here are the top 10 most interesting termite facts that we found.

Natural Ways of Eliminating Termites
Termites are one of the most common infestations in Mesa, so controlling them is essential to safeguard your home before it’s too late. Fortunately, you can opt for natural remedies to keep an eye on them before contacting a termite control company.
In this blog post, we delve into effective, eco-friendly solutions that eliminate termites and ensure the well-being of your living spaces. From natural repellents to preventive measures, you’ll discover different holistic approaches to making your home a termite-free land.
Join us on this journey to uncover innovative strategies beyond conventional practices, making your battle against termites efficient and eco-friendly.

Roaches Crawling In and Out of Your Microwave? Here’s How to Get Rid of Them for Good
Cockroaches are famous for hiding and resting almost anywhere in any house. They prefer dark, secluded, and warm places, and as you can guess, microwaves meet all these requirements.
Microwaves offer easy access to food and water. If you don’t clean your microwave often, grease, oil, and food debris will build up over time, providing cockroaches with the things they need to live for a long time and grow their population.
Cockroaches eat crumbs, food debris, and even spillages. Microwaves are also a perfect place for cockroaches to access other areas in the house.
Moreover, microwaves also work as hiding spaces for cockroaches to lay their eggs and raise their babies. Therefore, if you see baby cockroaches in the microwave, act as fast as possible because a cockroach may have already laid its eggs.

Five Things You Need to Do When You Get Stung by a Scorpion
Scorpion stings can be an unwelcome surprise, especially in regions where these arachnids are prevalent. Knowing how to handle such situations is crucial to avoid a dangerous and even life-threatening situation.
Whether you reside in the arid landscapes of Arizona or other regions prone to scorpion encounters, being informed is your first line of defense. Read on to discover the best practices and useful tips, ensuring you’re equipped to handle scorpion stings effectively.

Where do Mosquitoes Hide? A Simple Guide to Find Them on Your Property
If you want to identify the places mosquitoes like to hide and avoid them when possible, you came to the right place. Written by one of our mosquito control technician, this step-by-step guide contains the best tips to find mosquitoes in your garden, home, and yard. Plus, it explains how to reduce their numbers.
Mosquitoes are annoying pests that bite humans and animals alike. They also spread diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. Unfortunately, they are not that easy to spot, which is why you must be prepared to check out certain places at home where they may be hiding.
There are several things to look out for: stagnant water, birdbaths, flowerpots, or anything else that holds water. Keep reading below to learn more.

Five Facts to Know About Arizona Bark Scorpions to Prevent an Infestation
The Arizona Bark Scorpion is one of the most venomous scorpions in Arizona, so there’s a good reason for fearing them. This creature has a dangerous and mortal sting, so you should be aware of possible infestations at home.

Five Chemicals Controlling Termites
In Arizona, termites can cause billions of dollars worth of damage per year, more than fires. Termites primarily feed on wood, but also damage paper, books, insulation, and even swimming pool liners and filtration systems. Plus, these little bugs never sleep, they are able to eat their way through your home at any time, night or day.

Do Termites Eat All Kinds of Wood?
Termites are insects that commonly eat our wooden homes and possessions. However, there are different kinds of termites and some are attracted exclusively to certain types of wood. Knowing this is crucial if you have a termite infestation.
Having a termite problem is pretty frustrating and upsetting. Getting rid of them is the first step, but something that goes hand-in-hand with this is learning about termites’ behavior, why they choose certain types of wood to infest, and what is immune to them.

Essential Tips to Keep Roof Rats Out of Your Home
Roof rats are a relatively new pest to Arizona but wreak havoc and leave damage wherever they go. These pests are generally smaller than sewer rats, but can grow to be up to 18 inches in length! Roof rats tend to be black, with sleeker bodies than other types of rats. They can be distinguished from other rats by their large ears and pointed faces.
As their name suggests, roof rats are excellent climbers and tend to build their nests above ground instead of in underground burrows like other species of rats and mice do. You might find them in trees and wood piles, but they especially prefer the upper areas of your home where the temperature stays nice and warm. They are commonly found in attics, inside ceilings, and behind walls.

Termite Guide: How Quickly Can They Destroy Your Home?
You’ve heard the warnings about termites for your home. You know that they can cause damage to all the wood-containing parts of your home, which is just about everything – floors, walls, ceilings, support beams, and even furniture. Yet you may shrug off this threat, thinking that the termites either won’t come for your home, or if they do, that you’ll find them, treat them, and be done with the problem.
The trouble is that termites can feed on your home for months without you realizing it, and by then, they can have caused extensive damage to your home. That’s why you need to invest termite control before you know you have termites. Preventive treatments can keep these pests out so that the damage never begins.

The Horrors of a Bed Bug Infestation
Say “bed bugs” and you’re likely to see faces as white as the sheets on the bed. Every homeowner knows that bed bugs are bad news – but not everyone really understands why. Most people just have a vague notion of how hard they are to eradicate. Others just get creeped out at the idea that bugs are crawling all over their bodies and biting them while they sleep.
Understanding why bed bugs are such a problem can help you know how to spot bed bugs and how to control them.

How to Get Rid of Black Widows from Your Arizona Home
Have you spotted these eight-legged demons in your Arizona home? Well, you are not the only one! These pesky little arachnids, known as black widows, don’t play around and are highly dangerous. If you see them or their egg sacs, it’s time to act ASAP with some precautions.

Why Do You Have Cockroaches in Your House, Even Though You Clean It Thoroughly?
You swept, mopped, took out the trash, and cleaned countertops, yet you still see cockroaches walking around. Does that mean your house is not as clean as it should be? Not necessarily! Your cleaning methods may not even be the source.
Cockroaches are common almost anywhere in the U.S. They don’t always show up because of sanitation problems, so be relieved if you clean your house thoroughly. The issue is probably unrelated to cleanliness. But why is there a sudden appearance of roaches in your clean house?